345 East Wisconsin Avenue Suite 6 Appleton, WI 920.830.3909

Frequently Asked Questions About Colon Hydro Therapy 

What makes colon hydro therapy so important?
While the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver also serve to eliminate toxins; people have experienced through out history that when they ensure that the colon is cleansed and rejuvenated, the well-being of the whole body is greatly enhanced.  Colonic irrigation has been found to be the most effective process available to accomplish this work quickly and easily.

Why should I have a Colonic?
The colon is the last portion of the human digestive tract.  Waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for sometime, poses problems of toxicity and impairs the colon’s ability to absorb minerals and vitamins.  During colon cleansing, toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination.  Debris built up over a long period of time is gently removed in a series of colonics.  When impacted material is removed, your colon begins to function as it was meant to.  The build up of toxic debris weakens the colon muscles and impairs their functioning.  The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves the tonicity and peristalsis (muscular contractions) of the colon muscle, enabling it to move and eliminate fecal matter in a more timely fashion. 

What are the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colonics offer relief from a variety of disturbances by cleansing the colon of impacted and putrid fecal matter.  Fatigue, gas, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands & feet, lethargy are among the problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing.  Constipation of course is another as well as chronic diarrhea.  Your sense of well-being is often dramatically improved with colonics; you feel lighter and are more energetic.  The body can again assimilate food in the colon and better defend itself against disease.  Natural peristalsis, tone and regularity are restored and many serious diseases may be averted through this gentle technique.  Colonics are a key factor in the restoration of the body’s natural balance or what we call good health.   Regular colonics will aide poor digestion.  People use colon hydro therapy as a preventative measure to help avoid colon cancer.  People who suffer from symptoms such as food cravings, bloating, parasites, difficulty losing weight, chronic over-eating or abdominal pain/cramps use colonics as a way to cleanse their body & relieve their symptoms.  Colonics improve your immune system by flushing out toxins and is an excellent way to begin and end a cleanse or fast.

What Will Colon Hydrotherapy Do For The Colon?
Colon hydro therapy reshapes the colon muscle.  When problems exist in the colon, they tend to alter the shape of the colon, which in turn causes more problems.  The gentle action of the water accompanied by a gentle abdominal massage helps to eliminate bulging pockets of waste and narrowed, spastic, constrictions thus enabling the colon to return to its natural state.  A series of colonics will soften and loosen the accumulated toxic fecal matter that has been stored in the colon over the years.  A series of colonics is excellent for cleansing and healing the colon so that changes in diet, exercise and attitude are then able to produce their effects.  Many people find the relief provided by colonics stimulates the motivation and enthusiasm to institute positive lifestyle changes.  Colon hydro therapy cannot solve all health problems, but is a very important adjunctive therapy in the overall quest for vibrant health.   

Can I work directly after having a colon hydrotherapy treatment?
Yes. You can work just as you would after a regular bowel movement.

How much does a treatment cost, and how long does a treatment take?
The cost of a treatment is $65.00. The first appointment is scheduled for 1 ½ hours and all follow up appointments are scheduled for one hour.  The colonic procedure is about 45

How many colonics do I need?
The number of treatments will always vary with the individual and his or her condition.  Often the waste is so hard and well lodged in the colon that it may take a series of colonics to sufficiently soften and loosen this accumulated fecal material.  Some people may not have startling results for the first few treatments.  This is why a series of treatments is necessary and advisable.  Colon hydro therapy is most effective when employed in combination with exercise and proper diet of non-mucous producing foods.  Fresh fruits, vegetables and certain herbs are suggested to help loosen and dissolve accumulated fecal matter.  The suggested series would be 2-3 colonic per week for 8 weeks.  Once the colon is clean it is advisable to have a colonic every 4-6 weeks to maintain the environment.

What should I do to prepare for a colon hydrotherapy treatment?
We ask that you do a few simple things, drink plenty of water to keep your colon hydrated.  Maintain a healthy diet by eating more fruits & vegetables/salads.  Stay away from fast food, processed food, red meat, dairy and sweets.  Do not eat or drink anything 2 hours before your treatment.  While you are having your treatment we ask you to be relaxed as possible and maintain a positive cheerful attitude.

Do treatments hurt?
No.  However, you may experience some cramping during your colonic sessions. The cramping is due to your colon performing its natural peristalsis wave action to eliminate the old, hard fecal matter and toxins.  The colon will become sluggish and weak when one is not having two to three bowel movements per day.  The cramping feeling will diminish after you release the fecal matter.  Many people report their colon hydrotherapy sessions as being both refreshing and relaxing.

Does having a menstrual period at the time of a colon hydrotherapy session have any effect on the visit?
No, in fact it’s usually a good time to receive a treatment, since your body is already cleansing. Your flow has no effect on the success of the treatment.

About the colon?
The colon is a tube approximately 5-6 feet long and 2 ½ inches in diameter.  A healthy colon had uniform size, shape and tone.  It extends from the cecum, where it joins the small intestine, up and across the abdominal cavity and down the left side of the body until is reaches the sigmoid and rectum.  The main functions of the colon are, (1) The final digestion of our food. (2) The elimination of the digestive residue of food we have eaten. (3) The discharge of toxins and wastes from our body.  We experience better health and well-being when the colon is clean and functioning normally.  When the colon is congested with stagnant wastes, poisons back up and pollute the inner environment.  This is called autointoxication.  All of the body’s tissues are affected by autointoxication.

What is Autointoxication?
Autointoxication or self-poisoning is a process in which you are poisoned by substances produced by your own body because of poor digestion and/or incomplete or too few bowel movements.  Undigested food ferments and putrefies when remaining in the colon longer than a day.  When this fermented waste combines with the body’s own bile acids from the liver, the large intestine becomes toxic and the carcinogens may develop into colon or rectal cancers.  Every cell in our body is affected by self-poisoning.  When the toxins collect in the nervous system, we feel irritable and depressed.  We feel weak if they back up into the heart, bloated if they reach the stomach and have bad breath if they reach our lungs.  If the poisons try to escape through our skin, rashes and blotches develop, or we look pale and our skin appears wrinkly.  If the toxins make it to the glands, we feel fatigued, lethargic, our sex drive may decrease and we appear to look much older than our actual age.

How do the intestines get out of shape?
Everything we put in our mouth touches and effects the walls of the stomach, small intestine, and colon (large intestine). When these substances, or their by-products are toxic, they damage the intestinal wall and cells; intoxicate the nerves and glands; and can be absorbed through the walls into the blood and lymph and ultimately to the cells and tissue.

As a result, peristalsis declines. The slower transit increases fermentation and putrefaction of undigested food by bacteria and yeast. The bacteria and yeast give off toxic wastes in the form of acids and gasses. These substances also cause inflammation and damage to the cells of the intestinal walls. Research indicates these substances can create abnormal behavior and abnormal brain behavior. The nervous system is directly affected.

Elimination becomes incomplete and waste remains in the intestines. Dehydration and stagnation occur. This matrix creates erratic condition in the body we call disease. The main dietary offenders are animal products, salt, sugar, flour, chemicals, and drugs. They are lifestyles and give no energy to the digestive system.

How is the lymphatic system related to the intestines?
The lymph system is part of the circulatory system and a major organ of the immune system. Its clear-to-white fluid is composed of many different types of white blood cells and other substances. One of its main jobs is to transports nutrients from the blood to each cell and removes its waste. Some of the waste is transported to the intestines via the lacteals, that part of the lymph system which empties into the small intestines. It then passes into the large intestine for elimination.

When the intestinal walls are impacted, the lymph system retains the cell waste. The prolific number of lymph nodes in the abdominal region becomes storage points for the waste. Lymphatic fluid becomes thicker and if accompanied with dehydration sets the stage for an impaired immune system. Keep the lymph highly fluid by focusing on daily fluid intake, diet, and exercise.

What is constipation?
Constipation is one of the first signs that our bowels are not functioning properly.  When a person is constipated, the walls of the colon are often encrusted with accumulated fecal material.  The inner diameter of the colon is reduced, making it more difficult to pass the fecal matter.  Since the encrusted feces line the colon wall, the colon is unable to absorb nutrients from our food.  Wastes from the blood stream that would normally be drawn into the colon through the colon wall are reabsorbed by the body along with other toxins resulting from the fermentation and putrefaction of incompletely digested food.  Subsequent intestinal stasis often follows when the muscular contractions (peristalsis) can no longer sweep the hardened feces along the digestive canal.  You may have several bowel movements a day and still be constipated.  The movements will be smaller and more frequent because the inner diameter of the colon has been reduced.  The body reacts by increasing the frequency of the peristalsis wave action to eliminate waste from the body.  Taken to the extreme, the effects can be diarrhea where the body moves the waste so rapidly that the bowel does not have the time to remove water and condense the waste to normal stool. Symptoms are overweight, fatigue, irritability, mental confusion, bloat, gas, indigestion, lethargy, headaches, migraines, earaches, sinus drainage, allergies, cellulite, anxiety, depression, pessimism, whining, unsatisfied hunger, poor circulation. Do you recognize any of these symptoms?

A colon hydrotherapy session begins to hydrate the system and break up the impacted and dehydrated fecal, mucous, and other waste materials that layer the walls of the intestine. Once again, the intestines are capable of receiving and disposing of waste from the body, stopping the backup and re-absorption of toxic materials. Assimilation of nutrients improves. The liver and kidneys are relieved as well as the lymphatic system.

How do I restore my intestinal health?
Hydrate, dissolve, disinfect, soothe, and tone intestinal tissue. The colon hydrotherapy sessions with water and abdominal massage break up this matter within the small and large intestines with excellent results. People attain the most success with colon hydrotherapy when done in conjunction with fluids, exercise and diet.


What if I am unable to release during the first colonic?
Many people come in for the first time and expect the colonic to instantly release all waste from their large intestine/colon. When it doesn’t happen, some clients say, “Why should I come back if nothing came out the first time, I’m empty, it’s not really that effective.” When no fecal matter is released, it is a more difficult case. The ability or inability to release is one of the ways to assess a colonic session.

The first job is to get the gut muscles to respond by creating what we call a “flow through”. “Flow through” is the ability of the person to eliminate or have material flow through their alimentary tract from mouth to anus without restriction. Dehydration could be a reason for a difficult first cleanse. If a client states they drink one quart or less of fluid daily, we know that the colon is probably dehydrated. The lack of fluid allows hardening of waste in the gut. Dehydration may also affect the quality of intestinal muscle tissue and its ability to expand and contract properly.

Another cause is a low fiber diet.  Low fiber combined with insufficient fluids can create a very sticky and thick elimination that gets stuck in the intestines not to mention the speculum. If this may be suspected, you can prepare before the first session by; drinking a gallon of fluids daily, making fruits and vegetables 50% of your diet. This is suggested and it is not mandatory, however, it is helpful for a more successful colonic.

Will Colonics damage the normal intestinal flora?
No.  One of the functions of the first half of the colon is to gather the intestinal flora needed for the colon.  When the accumulation of the feces in the bowel leads to fecal encrustation, it is difficult for the colon to function normally and the glands in the lining cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora.  The resulting lack of lubrication intensifies a state of constipation and generates toxemia.  This upsets the normal acid-alkaline balance and the growth of the friendly bacteria is stunted.  Cleansing the colon will help bring the acid-alkaline ratio back into balance.  In this environment, the friendly bacteria will again thrive and disease causing bacteria will find it difficult to develop.

Are there any side effects to colonics?
There are none.  It is not uncommon however, for some people to start to feel like they have a cold or headache after a colonic.  Toxins which have been lying dormant in the colon are now being flushed out and a small amount may be re-absorbed into the body’s system.  This healing crisis passes quickly and the person will realize a feeling of well-being with future treatments.  



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